Michael Spaw and the 3ds Max team has announced the latest release of 3ds Max 2018, which will give you a smoother experience with the addition of procedural spline modeling and animation tools, batch processing for some background tasks, and many improvements and bug fixes.
>> See Also: Autodesk 3ds Max 2018
Check out some highlight updates of 3ds Max 2018.2
• Spline WorkflowsWe've added a few new spline tools that can be used to create and animate geometry in several intuitive ways. Draw splines freehand directly in the viewport, use a spline as a morpher on existing spline objects, or use the new spline tools to animate objects.
New spline tools include: Freehand, Spline Morph, Spline Overlap, Spline Mirror, Spline Relax, and Optimize Spline.
• 3ds Max Batch
Users can run 3ds Max in Batch mode, which allows you to perform MaxScript or Python automation in the background as a standalone process or in parallel with the desktop application.
In Batch mode, most of the 3ds Max desktop application's user interface will not load, resulting in a faster startup time and a lower memory footprint. This enables you to tackle the most demanding automation tasks, such as computing heavy datasets, running large simulations and supporting background automation for large production teams.
• Cloud Rights
Autodesk recently announced Cloud Rights for both 3ds Max and Maya customers, which will give subscribers access to computing resources on the cloud. With the increased demand for complex scenes, users are looking to process computing-intensive tasks in the cloud. 3ds Max subscribers can now take advantage of computing resources on the cloud to run non-UI batch instances of 3ds Max on individual or multiple computers over the internet.
Visit area Autodesk's blogs for more information.
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