Version 5.0.6424 Features:
• Dynamic Reflections now enabled on the following 3D Layers; Planes, Images, Video & Text.
• The Export Queue now persists when closing & reopening HitFilm, so you can add render items from multiple projects, and export them all at once.
• Shortcuts for controlling the playhead (Previous frame, Next frame, Start playback.. etc) now work in every Panel.
• Changed the Panel system to allow resizing of the Lifetime, Text & Track Panels. Scrollbars will now appear if the panel is too small to display the content.
• A warning is now shown to inform users when saving a Project in a newer version of the software.
• Support for variable frame rate video added. HitFilm now resamples VFR videos so that they behave as if they have a fixed, constant frame rate.
• Fixed a bug with Audio Waveform previews for Proxied Media when opening some projects.
• Fixed an issue where the reported size of Media Cache was incorrect.
• Fixed a problem with deleting files from Media Cache after completing a proxy task.
• Fixed an issue where Queued Export tasks were not named correctly.
• Fixed an issue where turning Reflections On or Off in the Perspective View changes the render.
• Fixed a problem where incomplete media is not deleted when the Queued Export is canceled or deleted.
• Fixed a bug where you could not navigate to the Export screen without first creating a project.
• Fixed an issue where the Control Panel was not showing the correct Object or Layer selection.
• Fixed an issue where adding a Layer or Object as Queued Export did not display the Go to Export/Continue Editing prompt to the user.
• Fixed an issue where you were able to navigate to the Edit screen when an Export is starting.
• Fixed a problem where the position of the splitter between the layer names and the timeline was not saved properly in composite shots.
• Fixed an issue where the Duplicate shortcut was not working in the Viewer.
• Fixed an issue where the Media Panel shortcuts were not working if the panel was not visible.
• Fixed a problem with the styling of 3D Model Import Window where some properties were being squashed.
• Tweaked the wording of the error message displayed when running on a machine below the minimum requirements.
• Fixed an issue where Layer Audio Waveforms were incorrect when scrolling.
• Fixed a rare crash when canceling a Queued Export task.
• Fixed an issue which caused a crash when proxying multiple media files at once.
• Fixed an issue where the Trimmer was stuck in a paused state after completing Playback of any piece of media.
• Fixed a crash with mocha HitFilm that would happen if Quicktime was not installed.
You can visit for more info.